Bridge Travel News Clippings & PR

Well it’s true to say that over the years bridge travel news clippings and PR have been abundant. Company activities have attracted many an interesting press story from many a keen journalist.

Bridge Travel News Clippings & PR

Bridge Travel Service

Bridge the World – BTW Marketing and PR







Bridge the World’s first grand raffle – 1993 in the Hampstead & Highgate Expresss…

Baggage labels & book marks – very classy they were too!

Yes, those wonderful ads with pictures of our staff in…we were the first to do it in the early ’90’s

 Loved the design of these ads, boy did we pack in the info or what?!

 A sample of just some of our direct mail pieces, leaflets & mini brochures…many co-funded with our industry partners such as Tourism Australia

 That wonderful poster along Chark Farm road – we were so proud!

Bridge & Wickers

2014 World Travel With Bridge |

Bridge Travels